Dán thẻ Google vào trước thẻ đóng Clean room shoe cover machine - Cheap shoe cover machine in Hanoi and HCMC trên mọi trang của trang web mà bạn muốn theo dõi.

Clean room shoe cover machine - Cheap shoe cover machine in Hanoi and HCMC


Trọng lượng:

Capacity: 200 shoes/bag installation.
Shoe bag release speed: 03 seconds/bag
Power source used: AC220V/110V, 50/60HZ
Maximum capacity of the machine:
* Bags made of PE material: 200 bags/box
* Description: automatically pulls the bag, environmentally friendly and safe, easy to use, can be used in any position and location.
* Uses of automatic shoe covers:
– Automatic shoe cover box (shoe cover machine) is used in healthcare, museums, factories, laboratories, gardens, agricultural processing, food processing, model houses, clean rooms.
* Advantages of automatic shoe covers:
– Automatic shoe cover box is safe and easy to use.
– The shoe box uses a bag that completely covers the shoe so it can be used in all conditions.
* How to use automatic shoe covers:
– Just install the bag box into the back box into position, place the foot in the bag and you're done. The next bag will automatically be given out by the box.
Full CO/CQ
Warranty: 01 year
Phone/zalo: 0587.554.554
#medical, #Museum, #factory, #laboratory, #garden, #processing #agriculture, #foodprocessing, #modelhouse, #cleanroom, #shoecovering bag, #tuibocgiay, #shoecovering machine, #automatic shoecovering machine, #maybocgiaytudong, #maybocgiay

Giá: Liên Hệ

Đặt hàng



Capacity: 200 shoes/bag installation.
Shoe bag release speed: 03 seconds/bag
Power source used: AC220V/110V, 50/60HZ
Maximum capacity of the machine:
* Bags made of PE material: 200 bags/box
* Description: automatically pulls the bag, environmentally friendly and safe, easy to use, can be used in any position and location.
* Uses of automatic shoe covers:
– Automatic shoe cover box (shoe cover machine) is used in healthcare, museums, factories, laboratories, gardens, agricultural processing, food processing, model houses, clean rooms.
* Advantages of automatic shoe covers:
– Automatic shoe cover box is safe and easy to use.
– The shoe box uses a bag that completely covers the shoe so it can be used in all conditions.
* How to use automatic shoe covers:
– Just install the bag box into the back box into position, place the foot in the bag and you're done. The next bag will automatically be given out by the box.
Full CO/CQ
Warranty: 01 year
Phone/zalo: 0587.554.554
#medical, #Museum, #factory, #laboratory, #garden, #processing #agriculture, #foodprocessing, #modelhouse, #cleanroom, #shoecovering bag, #tuibocgiay, #shoecovering machine, #automatic shoecovering machine, #maybocgiaytudong, #maybocgiay